Couple holding keys and with new car New car

Credit Status Criteria

Payment Profile:
Homeowner: Allow up to 3 in arrears on current credit and no more than 4 in arrears in the last 24 months
Tenant: Allow up to 2 in arrears on current credit and no more than 3 in arrears in the last 24 months
Tenants and Living with Family: must have at least 3 "LIVE" insight data items evident on credit search at current address
No payday Loans allowed on Prime

Defaults on Prime: must not have a total of 2 or more Defaults (including satisfied) in the last 6 months (homeowners only). The total sum of all Defaults (including satisfied) should not be greater than £100

Current Mortgage Arrears Or Arrangements: No, application will be assessed on an individual basis

County Court Judgements (CCJs): Must not have 2 or more CCJs (including satisfied) in the last 6 years, the sum of all CCJs should not exceed £1,000

Debt Management/ Iva/ Bankruptcy: NO , Application will be assessed on an individual basis

Rate 4 Risk: Payday Loans: allow no more than 1 in the last 12 months (satisfied only)
Payday Loans: allow no more than 3 ever (satisfied only)
Defaults: allow on all credit types up to £500 (satisfied and unsatisfied)
Defaults: allow £501 to £1000 on minor credit types (satisfied and unsatisfied)- public utilities, communication suppliers & mail order

Near Prime:
Allow no more than 3 Live years insight at current address
Allow CCJs of any amount within the last 12 months (satisfied and unsatisfied)
Allow no more than 2 down within the last 12 months
Allow current or previous arrangement within the last 12 months

Am I Eligible